The cause of death of the passerby who saved people from Crocus has been revealed

The cause of death of the passerby who saved people from Crocus has been revealed


RT: a man who came to save people at Crocus died of toxic liver damage

35-year-old Karen Yengibaryan, who came to save his best friend’s mother at Crocus, who fell ill and had a severe cold at night, did not die from pneumonia. His friend Mark spoke about this in a conversation with RT.

According to him, he asked a friend to drive up to Crocus, who immediately rushed to the scene of the tragedy and began to help people.

Karen gave his jacket to one of the victims and caught a serious cold. He developed severe chills that same evening and his temperature rose to 40. Karen called an ambulance, but refused hospitalization.

He was treated at home with paracetamol for several days, and there was even an improvement. However, then he suddenly became ill: the man turned yellow, his body ached, and he was taken to the toxicology intensive care unit.

He died on Friday morning. The preliminary cause of death is liver damage due to a large amount of paracetamol drunk, Mark said.

Karen is survived by his wife. The man worked in an IT company and was an excellent financier. And he always helped those who needed it, the friend noted.


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