“The approach will develop simultaneously in a number of directions” – Kommersant FM

“The approach will develop simultaneously in a number of directions” – Kommersant FM


Kommersant FM columnist Alexander Levi talks about how the segment of intelligent applications is developing.

Among the trends in the digital world in the new year, a request for intelligent applications appeared. Today, the total number of them is no more than 5%, but by 2026 the share will be one third of the total number of new products. This forecast is given by Gartner analysts.

Intelligent applications, as you might guess from the name of the category, differ from ordinary ones in the use of artificial intelligence tools. Apart from the predictable parasitic hype, the motives for their appearance are primarily aimed at functionality. Whether it’s the next iteration of generative neural networks or machine learning, the goal of these tools is to improve the efficiency and quality of the application experience.

The approach will evolve simultaneously in a number of directions. It’s primarily about personalizing the experience, human preferences, and tailoring apps accordingly. To understand, it’s enough to remember the familiar recommendations in music or video streaming.

Another obvious use of AI is automating tasks in applications that were previously performed manually, just like in the song from the movie Adventure Electronics: “Robots work hard, not people.”

Of course, the speeds and types of data analyzes that artificial intelligence can handle per unit of time will only increase, providing new and likely more effective solutions for marketing. It will be possible to identify potential customers and make sales forecasts more accurately and in larger volumes.

It feels like the attempt to universally use AI carries with it, rather, an image burden. But the further we go, the faster and more widespread the nature of these tools will tend to be on a practical plane, so businesses, of course, need to introduce them now, but gradually, carefully and at the same time inevitably. In an attempt to absorb everything at once, you can simply choke on the accompanying nuances.


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