The annual migration of spotted seals was recorded by scientists in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve

The annual migration of spotted seals was recorded by scientists in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve


The annual migration of spotted seals was recorded by scientists in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve (managed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Land of the Leopard”) in the south of Primorye, writes website specially protected area.

After breeding in protected waters, the seals headed north for salmon. At the same time, in the far lands, the seals will appear in an updated “fur coat” due to the recent molt. Moulting seals rub against the ground, thus trying to speed up the shedding of the past skin.

Also during these weeks, seals feel the need for insolation, that is, exposure to sunlight. Therefore, they spend a lot of time motionless, “sunbathing” on the reserved shores.


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