Talk about education, redeem a stamp – the Moscow International Salon of Education started in Moscow

Talk about education, redeem a stamp - the Moscow International Salon of Education started in Moscow


The 10th Anniversary Moscow International Salon of Education started its work in the 75th pavilion of VDNKh today. He has several features. Firstly, after two years of the pandemic, it is being held not only remotely, but also in person. Secondly, this year the salon has an anniversary and … a motto that makes you think: “We did not let you down! What’s next”. Thirdly, the program of the forum will be very rich: panel discussions, master classes, exhibitions, which should bring together teachers, business representatives, as well as managers in the field of education. Together they will discuss successful cases, pressing issues and the latest trends in the system of primary, secondary and secondary vocational education. It is expected that about 10,000 experts from 20 countries will take part in the salon.

VDNH, photo by Yulia Smagrinskaya

One of the large-scale discussion platforms will be devoted to the prospects and development of the Russian knowledge assessment system, in particular, the All-Russian test papers and the Unified State Exam. The participants of this session will talk about the indicators of the final assessment of schoolchildren in recent years, discuss the “rumors” that have appeared in the past few weeks about the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the Unified State Examination, and also assess how Russian schools can do without international programs to assess the quality of mathematical, natural science, reading and computer literacy. The fact is that the TIMSS International Survey of the Quality of Mathematics and Science Education, in which Russia has been participating since 1995, will not be held this year. The participation of our country in international studies of the quality of education from the OECD and IEA has been suspended due to multilateral sanctions against Russia.

Nevertheless, those studies in which our country participated allow us to find the option of “import substitution” TIMSS. According to Boris Ilyukhin, director of the Research Center for Education Assessment and Quality Management Systems of the FIRO RANEPA, Russia’s participation in international studies made it possible to lay down a domestic system for assessing the quality of education, which is now being used by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science itself.

“The accumulated experience of participating in international research allows us to carry out the necessary research on our own,” says Boris Ilyukhin.

Today, the official start of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor will be given at the MMSE. Then Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov will take part in the cancellation ceremony of a stamp depicting a portrait of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, whose 200th birthday is celebrated in 2023.

A special souvenir stamp was made to cancel the artistic postage stamp. The date on it is March 23, 2023. This stamp is used to make an imprint. The postage stamp depicts a portrait of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky against the backdrop of a classroom. The artist-designer who developed the concept of the commemorative stamp is Viktor Khablovsky. Together with the minister, Dmitry Lutovinov, the winner of the all-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year – 2022”, will take part in the ceremony.

Mona Platonov.

Photo by Yulia Smagrinskaya


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