Sperm will be examined strictly according to the standard

Sperm will be examined strictly according to the standard


It determines how fast the spermatozoa should move.

The national standard that defines the rules for preparing human seminal fluid for research, as well as the rules for the study itself, was prepared by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. The document prescribes to evaluate semen by color, liquefaction, viscosity, pH level, as well as by smell.

The standard states that the collection of sperm samples by the patient should be done independently, and only if absolutely necessary, the patient can be assisted by his partner. For example, if a man has a hand disability, a spinal cord injury or paralysis of the legs. Seed material should be collected in a sterile container. However, there is an exception to this rule: if a person for religious or ethical reasons does not accept masturbation, the seed can be collected in a condom, and only then poured into a container.

Semen analysis should begin 30 minutes after collection, it is after this time that it usually liquefies. If it does not come after an hour, then this may indicate a pathology. The color of a healthy seed should be milky, grayish white or yellowish. Viscosity is measured by slowly dripping semen from a pipette. The norm is discrete drops with threads no more than 2 cm. The document states that the semen does not have a “normal” smell, but there is an abnormal one. For example, a strong putrid odor usually indicates an active infection, and a strong urine odor indicates semen contamination with this fluid.

The speed of movement of spermatozoa is determined by observing its movement under a microscope. According to the results, they are classified into one of four categories: stationary, moving at a speed of less than 5 microns per second (non-translationally mobile), from 5 to 25 microns per second (slow translational mobility); all that swim at a higher speed are in the upper class. The tail of a normal sperm should be mobile, not broken, about 5 microns long.


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