Speed ​​skating is planned to be developed in the Kostroma region

Speed ​​skating is planned to be developed in the Kostroma region


The Committee on Physical Education and Sports announces plans to build a specialized facility for training speed skaters in Kostroma. As part of the implementation of the presidential national project “Demography”, the regional authorities raised federal funds for the construction of a new sports base with a modern track with artificial ice.

The new sports facility will have to replace the current site at the Urozhay stadium in Karavaevo, where speed skaters could only train in winter. The new sports center will offer on-ice training from October to April, and during the summer months its tracks can be used for roller skating training. Starting in September, the Kostroma Olympic Reserve School plans to double the number of children training under the speed skating program and hire new coaches.

The new sports center will provide an opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of training for speed skaters and will allow sports competitions at both regional and national levels to be held in our city. In addition, plans for the future also include the development of training athletes for another Olympic discipline – short track.

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