Scientists have named a berry that improves cognitive abilities

Scientists have named a berry that improves cognitive abilities


Scientists from King’s College London conducted a study and found that blueberries have a positive effect on the brain and blood vessels of older people. Evidence published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) confirms that eating this berry may help slow down age-related changes associated with cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

The study involved 61 people aged 65 to 80 years, they were divided into two groups. One group received a placebo, while the other group received 26 grams of blueberry powder daily for 12 weeks. The researchers found that those older adults who consumed blueberry powder had healthier blood vessels and performed better on cognitive tasks compared to those in the placebo group.

Anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol, are the active ingredient in blueberries, giving them their blue color. These polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties, help neutralize free radicals, and also have a beneficial effect on the human body. Because of these characteristics, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, including blueberries, are considered healthy.


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