Scientists have found that thin people pollute the soil more after death

Scientists have found that thin people pollute the soil more after death


Scientists from the University of Tennessee in the United States have found that the decomposition of human bodies in the open air affects the chemical composition and microbiome of the soil. The work was published in mSphere magazine.

It was reported that 19 donated bodies were used in the work, in which there are no open wounds from 40 to 91 years old with a BMI from 14.2 to 55.1, before the experiment, the bodies were stored at a temperature of +4 degrees for no more than a week.

Experts said that they left the bodies in the forest on their backs, and after that samples of the released soil liquids were dried. The experiments were carried out during the time while the body continued to decompose.

During the experiment, scientists noticed that alkalization of the soil was noted during the decomposition of bodies with a weight below the norm (BMI


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