Russians were told how to choose the right caviar

Russians were told how to choose the right caviar


A nutritionist told us what to look for when choosing caviar

Nutritionist Elena Solomatina said in an interview “Constantinople“How to choose the right quality caviar.

According to the expert, before purchasing you need to carefully inspect the jar of products. The container must indicate that the product was manufactured in accordance with GOST, as well as the release date and shelf life.

Solomatina noted that fake caviar can be identified by the way the shelf life is marked on the jar. They should be knocked inward, not outward. It is also worth paying attention to the label; it must be glued evenly. In addition, you should not buy bloated containers, even if they are at a discount.

The expert added that the can should look smooth, clean and free of rust stains. You need to pay attention to the place of catch. This could be Sakhalin or Kamchatka. If the jar is transparent, you need to look at the amount of liquid – it should be small.


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