Russians appreciated the idea of ​​introducing school uniforms: 65% “for”

Russians appreciated the idea of ​​introducing school uniforms: 65% “for”


Already now we can say with complete confidence that the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia is not named so nominally. A huge number of innovations have not left anyone behind. Teachers, schoolchildren, parents, and even future teachers all note positive changes in the field. The introduction of a professional minimum and the formation of a unified educational space, as well as major renovations and an unprecedented scale of construction of new schools are only a small part of the enormous work to improve the education system for all children in the country.

The topic of education truly affects everyone. Today’s schoolchildren are our future colleagues, our scientists, our doctors and astronauts. That’s why everything that concerns them is so sensitive and important. In Russia it is difficult to find a family that does not have children or grandchildren of schoolchildren. Or maybe this is a young couple who have only recently left school or are studying to become teachers at a university. In any case, what happens in education is always interesting.

To understand all the intricacies, MK, in the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, is launching a series of surveys for readers to find out the importance of innovations for each of them.

The first sign was a survey where we would like to understand the attitude of Russians towards the dress code in educational institutions. Do children and parents want to unify the appearance of schoolchildren so that clothes do not distract children from their studies and do not create reasons for conflicts between classmates?

The need to introduce a unified school uniform was announced by Russian Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov in November last year during a speech at the “Government Hour” in the State Duma.

“Let each school independently determine which one,” the minister emphasized then.

MK found that more than half of readers support the introduction of a uniform uniform for children during school. According to the survey results, more than 65% of respondents answered that they completely agree that a uniform should be introduced at their school. And almost 13% clicked the “more likely yes than no” button.

The data obtained in an open survey of MK readers is not the only one existing in the information field today. Education is a socially important topic that interests everyone. Therefore, on the Internet you can find a huge number of figures, studies and statistics, which, unfortunately, do not always reflect the real state of affairs.

“The whole world of sociology must be divided into two parts. The first consists of sociological centers – large, federal, regional, local, international. This is a huge world with its own rules, standard algorithms and basic formulas.

And there is a second part – sociologists who create so-called formative surveys. This is not about sociology, but about politics. For the research result to be credible, it must be possible to view the questionnaire. We need to see what questions people answered, according to what parameters they were selected to participate in the study.

In addition, any competent sociological study must have a preamble: the purpose of the survey, where, when it was conducted, by telephone or on the street, how many people were selected, from which social groups. The most important thing today is to be very attentive to any information. Now it has become a tool for manipulation,” Alena Arshinova, a State Duma deputy and deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, spoke about one dishonest poll about which MK previously wrote.

Continuing the topic of surveys and statistical data that you can trust, let’s take as an example a recent study by the Higher School of Economics Institute “Education in Figures 2023”. According to the results, in 2023 Russia entered the top three countries in terms of the number of future teachers out of the total number of its students. Over 10.8% of all current Russian students at bachelor’s, specialist and master’s degrees will receive teaching diplomas. In the USA – only 7.8%; behind Russia there are also Great Britain, Germany, South Korea, France, Canada and a number of other countries that are considered advanced in the field of education.

As written in the explanatory note to the study, the trend towards the popularity of pedagogy appeared already in the first post-Covid year. In 2021, education and pedagogical sciences took a confident third place in terms of enrollment of applicants. The competition has grown, and so has the quality of reception.

They are now only more willing to go into IT and healthcare, and for the first time future “lawyers” are left behind future “teachers”. After studying remotely for a year, parents, forced to be close to their children and delve into their problems and questions in class, finally felt the true value of a teacher. Typical parental irritation and dissatisfaction with the child’s school failures addressed to the teacher gave way to prayers for the educational system to return to normal as soon as possible, for schools to reopen their doors and for teachers to get involved in their children’s problems live, and not on a laptop screen. The prestige of the profession soared overnight, which could not but affect its popularity among applicants to both universities and colleges.

The key factor is the largest school construction program in the history of post-Soviet Russia. After all, where schools appear, there is an acute need for young and professional personnel, and, therefore, the likelihood of employment for yesterday’s students increases many times over.

During his speech on September 1 of this year, Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov said that by the end of the year more than 250 schools with 140 thousand places will be opened, by 2025 at least 1,300 schools will be built and more than 4,000 school buildings will be updated as part of the overhaul program.

MK will continue to publish its own survey results. Together with our readers, we will understand all the innovations and changes in the lives of Russian students.


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