Russian doctors restored sight to a woman blinded by the sun

Russian doctors restored sight to a woman blinded by the sun


Moscow doctors restored vision lost to a pensioner due to the sun

Doctors from the ophthalmology department of the Pushkin Hospital restored the sight of a 73-year-old pensioner, which she lost due to the sun. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Caution, Moscow

As it became known, a resident of the city of Pushkino contacted a medical institution. She said that she could not see anything in one eye, and the vision in the second began to rapidly deteriorate. During the examination, doctors diagnosed the pensioner with traumatic cataracts, myopia and glaucoma caused by high intraocular pressure. Doctors believe that the woman could have damaged her vision because she did not wear sunglasses.

It was decided to perform a combined operation. According to Natalya Danilina, head of the ophthalmology department, doctors created an artificial channel for the outflow of fluid in the eye to normalize intraocular pressure. Then, using ultrasound, the cloudy lens was removed and an artificial one was placed.

As a result of the operation, vision in the blind eye was restored to 70%, and in the second eye – to 100%.


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