Russia has decided to tighten requirements for the entry of migrants

Russia has decided to tighten requirements for the entry of migrants


Labor migrants will not be able to enter Russia without biometrics and an invitation from the employer

Russia will tighten conditions for labor migrants. They will be able to enter the country after submitting biometric data, as well as upon provision of a quota from the employer. The head of the All-Russian Center for Construction Policy, Alexander Moor, spoke about this in an interview with the TV channel 360.

According to him, submitting biometric data is necessary in cases where a visitor has committed a crime on Russian territory. Previously, a migrant was deported for committing an illegal act, but after that he could return back by changing one letter in his passport. With innovations this will no longer be possible, Moore said.

In addition, centers for teaching Russian language and culture will be opened in the countries from which migrants will come. In the near future, they will not be able to come to Russia if they know nothing about it. Also, a migrant’s arrival will be possible only if he fills out an application for a quota for a particular site. If a newcomer tries to find work elsewhere, he will be deported, Moore emphasized.


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