Rosobrnadzor does not intend to combine the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in history and social studies

Rosobrnadzor does not intend to combine the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in history and social studies


There are no plans to combine the Unified State Examinations (USE) and the main state examinations (OGE) in history and social studies, Rosobrnadzor assured. Presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky previously spoke in favor of combining exams in these subjects.

Rosobrnadzor explained that changes to the procedure and content of the Unified State Examination are possible only after adjusting the federal state educational standards. “Currently, the question of combining the OGE and the Unified State Exam in history and social studies is not on the table,” they said TASS in the press service of the department.

Mr. Medinsky assertsthat many employees of ministries and departments propose to eliminate social studies as a “harmful” subject. In this regard, he proposed adding questions on social studies to the Unified State Examination in history. In February, the Ministry of Education prepared a draft order, which proposes to exclude social studies from the school curriculum in grades 6-8, as well as reduce the amount of time for studying this subject in the ninth and tenth grades to one lesson per week.

Details – in the material “Kommersant” “Social studies made history”.

Laura Keffer


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