Rosa Syabitova was shocked by the cost of diapers for her granddaughter

Rosa Syabitova was shocked by the cost of diapers for her granddaughter


TV presenter Roza Sabitova was very surprised by the prices for children’s goods. So, according to her, only diapers will cost 200 thousand rubles a year for new parents.

“We made a financial cushion even before the birth of our granddaughter. And I think they did the right thing. For young parents, the birth of a child is a very expensive pleasure, ”said Syabitova.

She clarified that she was thinking about replacing diapers with gauze, since this item of expenditure greatly affects the material condition.

“According to preliminary estimates, about 200 thousand a year will be spent on diapers alone. Large sum. Recently a month has flashed by, maybe buy some gauze?” she added.


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