Romir: 15% of Russians would like to emigrate

Romir: 15% of Russians would like to emigrate


More than a third (36%) of citizens around the world would like to emigrate to another country, showed a survey by Romir, conducted jointly with companies that are members of the international association Gallup International. Russia was included in the list of countries whose residents would least like to emigrate – such a desire was expressed by 15% of respondents. In Japan, this was stated by 14%, while the residents of Vietnam (8%) and India (4%) would like to leave the country least of all.

Surveys were conducted in 57 countries in August-October 2022 by phone, online and in person. 54.3 thousand people from different countries took part in them. The Russian sample included more than 1.5 thousand respondents, they were interviewed in August. The results of the study leads RBC.

According to the survey, most often the desire to emigrate was expressed by residents of countries with unfavorable economic conditions – this opinion was expressed by 62% of respondents from low-income countries. The top three countries where the majority of the population wants to move were Sierra Leone (84%), Ghana (81%), Nigeria (71%).

In countries with an upper middle income (including Russia) and a high level of income, an average of 32% of residents would like to emigrate. In particular, in France, 30% of respondents would agree to move, in the USA and Germany – 33% each, in the UK – 36%, in Italy – 37%.

The majority of those wishing to leave are young people. Among the respondents under the age of 34 this was stated by 44%, among the respondents over the age of 55 – only 23%. Three main reasons for emigration were named: economic motives, the search for new experiences and impressions, and moving in search of more successful career opportunities.

In October 2022 Forbes informedthat, against the backdrop of mobilization, about 700 thousand people left Russia. In the Kremlin this information called duck. At the end of December in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan spokethat in 2022, 2.9 million Russians entered the country.

Laura Keffer


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