Reservation and deferment from mobilization: what is the difference and who is entitled to

Reservation and deferment from mobilization: what is the difference and who is entitled to


Who can receive a reservation from mobilization and how it differs from a deferment – in the Kommersant information.

What is reservation and deferment from mobilization?

Reservation is a permanent exemption from mobilization. It remains with the citizen as long as he meets the criteria for release. A deferment from mobilization is granted for a specific period approved by law. According to order Ministry of Defense, reservation from mobilization is granted to representatives of certain professions. The exemption applies to employees:

— accredited IT companies whose tasks include the design, development, implementation, maintenance and operation of solutions in the field of IT or ensuring the functioning of information infrastructure;

— Russian communications operators and employees ensuring the functioning of individual communications facilities, including data processing centers, as well as communications facilities and communication lines of the public communications network of the Russian Federation;

— systemically important media;

— financial organizations that ensure the stability of the national payment system and market infrastructure.

However, simply working in these organizations is not enough; you must also meet a number of criteria:

— the employee must be registered under an employment contract;

— perform functions critical to this organization;

– in some cases, a higher education may be required.

It is important to remember that in this case the reservation is issued not for a specific person, but for a position. If a citizen leaves this place of work, he will lose his exemption from mobilization. The employer determines the list of critical employees himself and submits documents for them. Representatives of IT professions can apply for a reservation independently on the government services portal.

There are other categories of citizens who are entitled to a reservation from mobilization. They include citizens:

— with category of fitness for military service “D” (“not fit for military service due to health reasons”);

– who have reached the age limit for military service: 50 years for privates and sergeants, 60 years for junior officers and 65 years for senior officers;

– serving in the State Fire Service and registered with special military personnel;

— patients with HIV or AIDS or registered in psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries;

— those under administrative supervision after release from prison.

Who is eligible for a deferment from mobilization?

The deferment is set for a specific period approved by law. It is different in each case and depends on the reason why the temporary exemption is granted. The following may receive a deferment:

— those receiving their first higher education, subject to full-time and part-time study, including postgraduate, residency and assistantship internship programs;

– citizens with category of fitness for military service “G” (“temporarily unfit for military service”). The deferment is given for six months, then the citizen must come to the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a medical examination again;

– having special reasons for health reasons. For example, a citizen is in the phase of exacerbation of chronic bronchial asthma or he is undergoing surgery. As a rule, in such cases a deferment is granted until the period of remission;

– guardians of a minor brother or sister, if no one else can take on these responsibilities;

– fathers with many children, having three or more children. However, this point is not enshrined in law and exists only at the level of directive of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces;

— members of volunteer formations assisting the Russian armed forces;

– those who are constantly caring for a close relative or adoptive parent who has serious health problems or a Group I disability, provided that no one else can do this;

– having dependent four or more children under the age of 16 years or having dependent and raising without a mother one or more children under the age of 16 years;

– women who have one or more children under the age of 16 or are 22 weeks or more pregnant;

– a citizen whose wife is 22 weeks or more pregnant and has three dependent children under the age of 16;

– single mothers of four or more children under the age of eight;

— fathers of disabled children;

– Senators of the Russian Federation and State Duma deputies.


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