Rescue operation in Yalta: crocodiles were pulled out of the icy water, carried out of the enclosures by hand

Rescue operation in Yalta: crocodiles were pulled out of the icy water, carried out of the enclosures by hand


Pets were urgently protected from the elements

Due to heavy rains, the Yalta Crocodilarium, a unique zoo with reptiles, was under threat of flooding. Employees had to carry the crocodiles out of the flooded premises by hand. This was reported by the Crimean telegram channel “Crimea 1”.

The Yalta crocodilarium is called a young attraction of Crimea. It was created on the basis of the Alushta Aquarium in 2017. In Yalta, a unique collection of Nile crocodiles was collected, later they were supplemented by Cuban crocodiles, which are not very common in the world, as well as crocodile caimans. There are also African blunt-nosed crocodiles and Schneider’s caimans.

The Crocodilarium is located in Yalta on Ignatenko Street. At the very beginning of the Yalta embankment, which was hit by the elements in recent days. Ice-cold water poured into the crocodilarium; it was knee-deep in the rooms. For heat-loving reptiles, these ice baths were like death. Therefore, amphibians, including snakes, were carried out of the building by hand, placing them in cars, most of them in personal cars. Then the pumping of water began. Thank God, due to stress, the reptiles were half asleep and did not show aggression, although among them there are large and quite dangerous individuals. However, as the administrator of the crocodilarium reported, they decided not to touch the large crocodiles. The water was pumped out in front of them.


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