Rapper Vacio’s lawyer withdrew the complaint against the performer’s second arrest – Kommersant

Rapper Vacio's lawyer withdrew the complaint against the performer's second arrest - Kommersant


The rapper Vacio’s lawyer (Nikolai Vasiliev) withdrew his appeal against the performer’s repeated administrative arrest for petty hooliganism with resisting a police officer (Part 2 of Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). On December 22, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow sentenced the rapper to 15 days of arrest and fined him 200 thousand rubles. for disturbing public order and using obscene language at a party at the Mutabor club.

“The lawyer withdrew the complaint. The appeal hearing has been terminated,” the court told the agency “RIA News”. The reason for this decision was not specified in court.

Anastasia Ivleeva’s party with the dress code “almost naked” was held on December 21 at the Moscow club Mutabor. Lefortovo court decidedthat the party was aimed at spreading non-traditional sexual relationships. After the arrest, Vacio, who wore only one sock to the event, apologized for his image and noted that he does not support LGBT people. A Kommersant source close to the Investigative Committee reported that a case of extremism against Ivleeva’s party participants has not yet been opened.

January 9, Kalininsky District Court of St. Petersburg for ten days arrested the lead singer of the group “Puppies” Maxim Tesli (real name Moiseev), who repeated the image of Vacio at a concert at the MOD club. Pay attention to his performance turned Head of the Safe Internet League Ekaterina Mizulina.

Read more about the party in the Kommersant publication. “Login using blacklists”.

Petr Buzlaev


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