Prigozhin supported the return of the death penalty

Prigozhin supported the return of the death penalty


After the tragedy at Crocus, the topic of returning the death penalty began to be actively discussed in celebrity circles. Producer Maxim Fadeev, for example, spoke aboutthat the death penalty should be applied to terrorists.

His colleague Joseph Prigozhin also expressed his position to MK. According to the producer, if harsh punishments are not applied, nothing will change in the thinking of criminals.

“I believe that humanism does not work here. People must understand that for committing such crimes they must be shot. They must be executed, and executed painfully, so that others will be discouraged. We will not correct society if we do not take these kinds of steps. Society must understand how crimes end. Even a stupid person will understand this if his nails are pulled out, his eyes are gouged out, his ears are cut off. Then he will understand that it is impossible to rape ordinary citizens. And this is precisely violence against ordinary citizens. Participants in serious crimes of this kind “related to the murders of civilians, where guilt has been definitely proven, should be subject to crucifixion. There is no other way,” concluded Joseph Prigozhin.


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