Oncologist Karasev explained how to recognize cancer by changes in the tongue

Oncologist Karasev explained how to recognize cancer by changes in the tongue


Changes in the tongue can be symptoms of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Oncologist, candidate of medical sciences Ivan Karasev told the portal about this “Doctor Peter”.

The tongue is a kind of mirror of health, the doctor noted. The color and structure of the tongue can signal stomach problems. The specialist explained how to recognize the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract by changes in the tongue.

One such option is oncology. In this case, the organ is covered with a dense and viscous white coating. Also, a person, according to a specialist, may experience a burning sensation and suffer from increased salivation.

In chronic gastritis, as the doctor noted, light (sometimes dark gray) deposits appear. And after eating there is pain in the stomach. Acute gastritis is characterized by a viscous dark gray coating on this important human organ.

An ulcer may be indicated by a tongue with a bright red coating and gray spots.

If similar signs appear, you should consult a doctor after clarifying the diagnosis and, if necessary, undergo an examination.


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