Nutritionist spoke about how to eat fast food and lose weight

Nutritionist spoke about how to eat fast food and lose weight


Nutritionist Solomatina recommended cutting calories as a way to lose weight while eating fast food

How to eat fast food and lose weight dismantled nutritionist Elena Solomatina in a conversation with Evening Moscow.

Solomatina emphasized that it is possible to lose weight without proper nutrition if you cut the number of calories consumed, but this will not bring benefits to the body.

According to her, it has long been known that people lose weight even on sweets and fast food.

“In the Soviet years, girls practiced a bakery diet and also lost weight,” the specialist gave an example.

She explained: “the product is eaten just enough to not get the usual kilocalories” and only this is the whole secret of losing weight with such a diet.

The nutritionist also reported that in the first 90 days of losing weight, the body loses a lot of fluid. If losing weight at the same time goes in for sports, then part of the fat masses will turn into energy and his muscles will gain volume. This creates the effect that a person “melts before our eyes.”

However, as the doctor warns, such a diet with french fries and burgers is quite dangerous, as it can lead to hypertension.


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