Norway’s northernmost region asks EC for 26-hour day

Norway's northernmost region asks EC for 26-hour day


Politico: Norway’s northernmost region asks EC for 26-hour day

The city of Vadsø, located in the northernmost region of Norway above the Arctic Circle, has asked the European Commission to instruct national authorities to approve the creation of a time zone with a 26-hour day instead of the usual 24-hour day, reports Politico.

The mayor of Vadsø, Wenche Pedersen, took the initiative. In her opinion, such a move will help strengthen local values, increase time spent with family and attract new residents who want to see relatives more often. “We love our lifestyle and believe that it can be very attractive, especially for families with children. I am confident that it will contribute to a more relaxed and comfortable daily life than, for example, in large cities,” Pedersen said.

She noted that residents have not yet thought about the practical implementation of the changes, since they do not expect quick approval.

Norway is not a member of the European Union, but is part of the European Economic Area (EEA). The European Commission explained that the establishment of time zones is an internal matter of each country, so it is unlikely that the region’s request will be satisfied.

In 2020, the Volgograd region returned the clock hands back one hour, moving from the third time zone to the second, Moscow. This ended the region’s two-year period in a different time zone, which began after the 2018 referendum, in which 58.82% of voters were in favor of the change. However, some residents were unhappy with the early sunrises and short evenings.


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