New terrible facts have been revealed in the biography of the murderer of Stas Namin’s son

New terrible facts have been revealed in the biography of the murderer of Stas Namin’s son


New details have emerged in the biography of Roman Novikov, accused of murdering his grandmother Polina Efremovna Tkachenko and his brother, the son of musician Stas Namin. The tragedy occurred on October 18 in the village of Kryukovo, Istra urban district. Novikov was detained in hot pursuit, but this is not the first criminal incident in his life. MK found out the details of another murder, in which Roman was once suspected.

Novikov was born on March 29, 1984 in Moscow. Parents Dmitry Novikov and Galina Novikova (Tkachenko) lived together for 7 years and divorced when Roman was no more than 7 years old. After the divorce, the boy’s father Dmitry Novikov disappeared from the lives of Galina and Roman, did not participate in his son’s future life and did not even see him.

Galina remarried musician Stas Namin in 1992. A year later, the couple had a common son, Artem. The age difference between Roman and Artem was about ten years, but in all the photos the half-brothers looked very friendly.

At high school age, Roman’s parents sent him to study in the UK. But his studies did not work out – the teenager became addicted to bad habits, and he was brought back to Moscow. After school, Roman was assigned to the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov. The young man said that he wanted to become a surgeon, but he quickly dropped out of school.

Then he was given the opportunity to enter a university in California, but it was not easy, Roman refused to even try. After that, Namin arranged for him to attend the correspondence department of the external studies at the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov, so that the young man would receive at least some kind of higher education. Wanting to help him become independent, Namin tried to find a job for him, tried many different options, tried to get him into his theater. But even there the guy’s career did not work out; there were conflicts and even fights. By the way, it was then that Roman met his future wife Elena Levchenko, who worked there in the theater (now the couple has a growing daughter).

An interesting detail: formally Roman was not adopted by Namin, and after 18 years he himself decided to change his last name to Mikoyan and even changed his patronymic from Dmitrievich to Anastasovich. He always introduced himself as the son of a famous musician, as this helped him in various difficult situations in which he found himself due to his passions and character.

Roman became interested in night car racing. By analogy with the film “Fight Club,” Roman became interested in fights in similar clubs in Moscow and even started fights on the streets. At the same time, he became interested in gambling computer games, in which he often lost considerable sums.

In 2007, while driving a car, Novikov killed a woman, a mathematics teacher, at a pedestrian crossing. Roman got off with two years probation because there were no aggravating circumstances.

Hobbies for fights in fight clubs and on the streets, risky races and a fatal hit-and-run incident were in sharp dissonance with Novikov’s appearance. “He always remained cool and calm,” friends recall. “Outwardly, Roma did not show any emotion or compassion.”

Soon Roman disappeared completely. He was found only a few days later, telling his mother that he was tired of Moscow and now he was in Kamchatka, working in a logging camp. There a new tragedy happened in the village of Esso, Bystrinsky district.

When Novikov decided to return to Moscow, his workmates gave him a farewell. Under strange circumstances, one of Roman’s comrades, with whom he was walking home after a party, was killed. Novikov was arrested on suspicion of murder, but released due to insufficient evidence.

And after returning to Moscow, Novikov received much more opportunities and attention than Namin’s own son. Since 2007, Galina and Stas no longer lived together, but the musician continued to help both her and Roman. If Artem never had a car or his own apartment, then Stas bought Roman a branded jeep and a two-room apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt – next to the one where he lived with Galina and Artem. Stas could not refuse his wife and tried to make Roman feel the care of his loved ones, since his own father did not appear in his life at all.

At some point, Roman completed a two-month course on working on the stock exchange, thinking that this way he could earn a lot of “easy money.” But, having quickly spent the 30 thousand dollars provided for work, he gave up this occupation too.

In 2013, Roman started another commercial project with the son of friend and partner Stas Namin, but the business did not work out, he did not earn what he expected, having received less than one and a half thousand dollars. After that, he seemed to go berserk – Roman suddenly began to behave very aggressively towards Namin, blaming him for all his failures. In the end, Novikov insulted Namin, ended relations with him and since then has not seen or communicated for almost 10 years.

“He was always distinguished by his arrogance and ambition towards others,” Novikov’s acquaintances recall. “He believed that everyone owed him.”

The mother did not condemn her son for his ingratitude and insults, and this was the last straw in the spouses’ relationship: in 2015, Galina Mikoyan and Stas Namin officially divorced. Namin never spoke out about Roman’s life and character, but in 2015, when the family finally broke up, he said bitterly: “I’ve known Roma since he was 8 years old, and he was a very good boy, but after London it was as if he had been replaced.”

At the time of the crime, Roman was working at an IT company, but as it turned out, he did not appear there for many months.

There were no comments from Stas Namin in connection with the tragedy. But the actors and theater staff spoke out frankly: “He was always a scumbag, but no one could even imagine such a terrible act.”

The life of Roman and Artem Mikoyan in the photo: Stas Namin’s son was killed by his brother

The life of Roman and Artem Mikoyan in the photo: Stas Namin’s son was killed by his brother

See photo gallery on the topic

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29152 dated November 8, 2023

Newspaper headline:
Devil in a noble family


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