Named 5 countries that can survive the nuclear winter

Named 5 countries that can survive the nuclear winter


Scientists from New Zealand have named countries that can survive a hypothetical global nuclear war. There are five of them in total, they are located on the skeletons. The study publishes the journal Risk Analysis.

Scientists at the University of Otago assessed the impact on agriculture that a sharp decrease in solar illumination due to a nuclear war, as well as in the event of a large asteroid falling or a powerful volcanic eruption, will have.

It is noted that in the event of a nuclear war between Russia and NATO, the atmosphere may be polluted with 150 teragrams of soot (during the detonation of most warheads in the world). This can reduce the production of agricultural products on the planet by 80%, and in the northern hemisphere by 100%.

The devastating consequences of a nuclear winter will last from 5 to 10 years. New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands will be able to independently produce agricultural products, despite the decrease in temperature and the amount of sunlight, scientists say. This means that these countries have a chance to survive the nuclear winter and feed the population.


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