Microsoft has banned third-party companies from training their AI on Bing search

Microsoft has banned third-party companies from training their AI on Bing search


Microsoft has banned other companies from using Bing search to train their AI bots. This was reported Bloomberg citing two unnamed companies that received relevant notices from Microsoft.

Microsoft has promised to close access to the search engine to those companies that will continue to train their AI bots on Bing search results. According to Bloomberg, Bing data has been licensed to several search engines, including Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. The latter used a combination of its own search with Bing results, while Yahoo and took results directly from Bing search results to save resources.

Microsoft wants to continue licensing Bing but does not want its search engine to be used to train other AI bots, according to Bloomberg sources, which the company regards as a violation of the agreement. Formerly Microsoft added in Bing search results short presentations created by artificial intelligence.

Evgeny Fedunenko


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