Man to dog priority // The State Duma discusses amendments allowing the killing of homeless animals

Man to dog priority // The State Duma discusses amendments allowing the killing of homeless animals


Amendments to federal legislation, providing for the possibility of killing stray animals in some cases, caused a heated discussion in parliament. The bill itself will be considered at a plenary session of the State Duma on May 16, and on Wednesday, deputies and representatives of the regions expressed their opinion on the new norms. Deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma Vladimir Fedorov, in particular, stated that the authorities “followed the lead of a microscopic number of citizens – the so-called animal rights activists”, and it turned out that “we think more about dogs than about citizens.” And the head of the veterinary department of St. Petersburg insisted that “the current law is sufficient for its effective application, subject to constant, honest, conscientious work.”


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