Lada Dance spoke about the severe consequences of the accident: “The pain still remains”

Lada Dance spoke about the severe consequences of the accident: “The pain still remains”


The singer admitted that the taxi driver never apologized to her

Lada Dance is gradually coming to her senses after a big accident in which she suffered at the end of the summer. Now the singer has already begun to appear on stage. However, the star admitted to MK correspondents: she still cannot work without injections.

Lada Dance appeared at Diana Gurtskaya’s charity festival dedicated to International White Cane Day. Behind the scenes, Lada’s appearance caused an unprecedented stir. After the performance, she was surrounded by children participating in the concert. Dance did not refuse anyone: she took pictures and signed autographs.

“Today I went on stage in heels for the first time,” the artist boasted. – The sensations are unusual. It’s like learning to walk again.

Lada Dance looks very impressive. This evening they showed off their ample breasts and long legs. The artist said that her rehabilitation is going well. Although there are still many reminders of the accident.

“The scar on my forehead remains: it hasn’t gone away yet,” the star sighs. – I don’t even hide it. This is not my first concussion. I know how to live after this. At the age of 23, I remember falling from a horse. I also had a concussion. I slept for three or four days without waking up.

According to her, the terrible moments of the accident still emerge in her memory.

“Thank God, it’s passed now, but at first I couldn’t ride in a car, I was afraid of cars approaching,” the star sighs. – I’ve never been in an accident, this is my first time. But my ballerina still has a phobia – she’s afraid to ride.

The artist admits: she does not maintain a relationship with the driver of the car in which she was driving on the ill-fated day.

“He didn’t even call me and still hasn’t apologized,” said the artist.

By the way, in the first days after the accident, the singer announced that she plans to give up her pseudonym. Lada wanted to perform without the surname Dance. But now everything has changed.

“It was a moment of weakness for me: I didn’t know what would happen to me next, whether I could walk or dance,” the artist shares. – A fracture in the hip is a serious story. There is still pain. Such injuries should heal. Before going on stage you have to take injections.


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