Krasnaya Gorka 2023: how to spend the holiday

Krasnaya Gorka 2023: how to spend the holiday


“On Maslenitsa – matchmaking, on Krasnaya Gorka – wedding,” says an old Russian proverb. And the practitioner of village, conspiracy and ceremonial magic, Alla Terpugova, adds that, according to ancient beliefs, it is a bad omen to shirk festivities on the so-called Antipascha. And it is also on Krasnaya Gorka that you can attract love into your life, leading straight down the aisle, and money into the house to it. It is enough to know a few simple rituals, and also something that is absolutely impossible to do on Krasnaya Gorka.

Krasnaya Gorka (or Antipaskha) in Rus’ was called the first post-Easter Sunday, this year it falls on April 23. In the Orthodox tradition, Antipascha (translated from Greek as “another”) was dedicated to the appearance of Jesus Christ to the Apostle Thomas. Thomas did not see the resurrected Jesus and said: if I do not see His wounds from nails on my hands, I will not believe. And on the eighth day after the resurrection, Jesus came and said to Thomas: Put your finger here and see my hands … and do not be unbelievers, but believers. This is where the popular expression “Thomas the unbeliever” came from.

– Krasnaya Gorka is a Christian holiday with pagan roots, – says Alla Terpugova. – He came to replace the day dedicated to the Slavic deity Yarila – the God of the Sun. Until now, elements of ancient rituals are used in the ceremonies held on Krasnaya Gorka. Since the time of Ancient Rus’, this holiday has been associated with the beginning of real spring among the people and celebrated with festivities with bonfires, round dances and bridegrooms.

In Rus’, “red” meant “beautiful”, “cheerful”. A hill was called a hill outside the village, where, according to tradition, young people gathered. On the first Sunday after Easter, it was customary to “call for spring”: at dawn, on an elevated place where all the snow had already melted, well-dressed youth greeted the dawn with special incantations and chants. Taking a break from the festivities on Krasnaya Gorka was considered a sin. During round dances, young people looked closely at each other, choosing a mate for themselves. And those young people who had already decided on their future were getting married to Krasnaya Gorka. According to the sign, those who are betrothed to Krasnaya Gorka and who married her will be happy. And for those who decide to get married on Krasnaya Gorka, it makes sense to observe ancient Russian traditions in order to make your union not only strong, but also rich.

Here are the rituals.

Tangled traces. The wedding “train” has always had a sacred meaning. The young people were taken to the church one way, and to the feast – the other, deliberately confusing the tracks and choosing roundabout ways so that the evil spirits could not interfere with the wedding at first, and then the whole future life of the newlyweds. After the registry office, choose another route for the return trip. And after the restaurant, the newlyweds should go home by the most confusing long route.

Magnificence of the young. Ask guests to learn a couple of glorious wedding songs in advance. According to tradition, the newlyweds gratefully bring a painted egg and a round glass of vodka to each singing person.

Round dances and fun. Traditionally, the messenger of Spring or Lada, the most beautiful girl, was chosen to go to Krasnaya Gorka. Around her they danced and glorified her beauty, and at the same time the final victory of spring over winter. At the wedding, the role of Lada can be played either by the newlywed herself or by her unmarried girlfriend. The guests dance around Lada and sing songs in her honor, in honor of the sun and spring. For each guest, you need to prepare a gift in advance – a bowl of milk, a circle of cheese, a loaf or round buns with raisins. These gifts are symbols of fertility, with their help you wish your relatives and friends a well-fed, prosperous life.

But there is also something that is strictly forbidden to do on Krasnaya Gorka, since, according to signs, this is not good. You may not be superstitious, but there is no need to break the traditions that have developed over the centuries. So, you can’t go to Krasnaya Gorka: throw away food left after the festive feast; cry and be sad (otherwise sadness and adversity will settle in the house for a whole year); stay alone (close people should be nearby, you need to visit or invite guests to your place); plant plants, because seedlings will be weak, and then they will die altogether; swear and swear (people who quarreled on Krasnaya Gorka will not reconcile until Trinity itself); walk untidy (on Krasnaya Gorka it is customary to wear the best outfits, preferably bright colors); to work (under the strictest prohibition of hard physical labor).

And here are the signs that have been tested for centuries.

Marry Krasnaya Gorka, live your whole life in perfect harmony. If you sit at Krasnaya Gorka at home, then there will be no wedding this year. If you throw a coin into the well on the day of the holiday, then your cherished desire will certainly come true and there will be happiness in life. Whoever reads prayers on this day will be granted a long life.

There are also several rituals on Krasnaya Gorka.

Conspiracy for a stable income.

In the morning on Krasnaya Gorka, just waking up, take a bowl of water and say 3 times a conspiracy for money (“There are seven pillars in seven temples. There is holy water next to each. Help me, water, collect the money and bring it home. As soon as the money is “People will not forget me. They will thank me and give me wealth. I will collect their gifts and bring you water. How much water, so let there always be so much money in my house. Then wash yourself with charmed water. Pour the rest of the water into house plants or outside under the trees.

A conspiracy for beauty, it will also bring a new admirer into your life.

Climb up Krasnaya Gorka at dawn and, after washing, read the conspiracy to beauty three times: “How red the sun rises, how all people rejoice in it, so let my face be red and ruddy. I wish I were nice to everyone.”

Ritual for marriage (done strictly only on Krasnaya Gorka).

To successfully marry, you need to walk down the street on Krasnaya Gorka arm in arm with the most decent of your acquaintances men. If there are no acquaintances nearby (or you don’t want to dedicate them to the details of the ritual), you can turn on the street or in a public place to a stranger of the kind you would theoretically marry. Tell him, for example, that you twisted your leg, and ask him to help him get to the bench, or ask him to carry heavy bags to the entrance or car. A rare decent man will refuse a lady in such a situation, and for this, Krasnaya Gorka will send you good luck in your personal life this year.


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