Kostomarov, who came out of a coma, may need heart surgery

Kostomarov, who came out of a coma, may need heart surgery


Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov may need heart surgery, reports “Channel Five”. Doctors, as noted, diagnosed the skater with a violation of cardiac activity.

The condition of 45-year-old Kostomarov remains stably grave, despite the positive dynamics. The athlete, as it became known at the beginning of the week, was disconnected from the ECMO artificial oxygen saturation device. But doctors still use artificial lung ventilation (ALV).

During the January holidays, Kostomarov took part in an ice show, and some of the performances took place outdoors in 25-degree frost.

On the night of January 10, the 2006 Olympic champion became worse, he was hospitalized with pneumonia. Then he was transferred to a hospital in Kommunarka.


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