Kaput hood: who will pay for the repair of a car damaged by an icicle

Kaput hood: who will pay for the repair of a car damaged by an icicle


Experts advise where to run and what to do

The time for a ringing drip has come in the capital region. However, motorists associate it not with the arrival of the first birds or with the warm rays of the sun, but with road problems: ice, freezing rain and blocks of ice hanging from roofs. “MK” found out how drivers should act if such a problem falls on their shoulders.

We all understand perfectly well that parking a car closer than two meters from the house is unsafe. At any moment, a melted layer of snow can slide off the roof and fall down. Or some heavy piece of ice will scratch the hood or break the windshield. But sometimes we simply have no choice. Many motorists sincerely hope that it will “pass”, but the statistics in the region are quite stable. As auto expert Dmitry Slavnov says, every year in the Moscow region, from 20 to 30 claims are considered against public utilities regarding damage to vehicles due to such emergency situations.

— The first thing to do if your car is damaged by a block of snow or an icicle is to call the police. Law enforcement agencies will record the incident and in 99% of cases refuse to initiate a criminal case. Damage to property is not serious harm to health. Then, privately, you can go to court and demand compensation from public utilities for material and moral compensation,” the auto expert explained.

However, the management company can also compensate you for losses out of court. If you manage to reach an amicable agreement with its employees, you will simply issue them an invoice from the car service after the car is repaired.

— Cases when the Criminal Code agreed to a peace agreement, bypassing civil proceedings, are not so rare. It’s just that the lawyers of the management companies are well aware of the “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock,” namely point four. Maintenance companies are directly responsible for the condition of roofs. It is their responsibility to create a safe environment for people and equipment,” says Slavnov.

The document that you actually receive from the police is called a crime scene inspection report. And it can only be compiled for a parked car. If the incident occurred while driving, and you or someone close to you was driving, you need to call completely different people in uniform – traffic police officers. Based on the fact of the incident, they will issue you a certificate of the accident, which in court has the same force as the inspection report.

— While you’re waiting for the inspectors, take a photo of the car and the piece of roof where the ice fell from. If the incident happened in front of eyewitnesses, ask them for their phone numbers in case the case goes to court. Don’t forget to take photographs of witnesses next to the damaged car,” continues Slavnov.

The expert also emphasized that it will not be possible to repair a car using compulsory motor third party insurance (MTPL) insurance – it only covers the civil liability of the driver. But if you have a CASCO policy, then it will most likely cover your repair costs.


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