Kaliningrad scientists have invented candies with fish oil

Kaliningrad scientists have invented candies with fish oil


Healthy treats will be chocolate

The original invention was recently patented by specialists from the Kaliningrad State Technical University. They decided to combine the incompatible – to “package” tasteless fish oil in sweets.

The appearance of this kind of delicacy at a technical university should not be surprising: KSTU is one of the largest universities in the fisheries industry, so the issues of using fish oil have been resolved here for a long time.

The developers note that according to the latest data, 75% of the Russian population has a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fish oil is rich in. Children and adolescents under 18 years of age suffer the most from this deficiency. To make up for the deficiency, they used to drink fish oil, but now, as a rule, dietary supplements are taken in the form of capsules or tablets. This is not so unpleasant, but not very convenient: the amount of useful substances in capsules and tablets is very small, so you need to drink them several times a day. But people often forget to do this on time, so the medicine is not as effective.

Fish candies should resemble truffles in appearance – filled with chocolate mass, which is coated with chocolate with a cocoa content of 55-75% and rolled in cocoa powder. According to the recipe of Kaliningrad scientists, the chocolate mass should be made from chocolate, drinking cream, sweeteners sorbitol and polydextrose, wheat fiber, fish oil and applesauce. The authors claim that this sweetness has an attractive appearance and high taste. One such candy contains enough fish oil to meet the daily requirement of 90% polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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