Instagram* now has a feature for editing messages after sending – Kommersant

Instagram* now has a feature for editing messages after sending – Kommersant


*Instagram belongs to Meta, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and is banned

Social network Instagram (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and is banned) added A new feature has been added to the application, thanks to which users will be able to edit sent messages. However, this opportunity will only be available for 15 minutes after sending.

Previously, if you needed to fix an error, your only option was to delete the message and resend it. In order to edit a message, you need to press and hold it: a pop-up menu will appear, where you need to select the “Edit” item. After editing, the modified message will be marked “Edited”.

In December 2023, the ability to edit a letter after sending got Google “Messages”, iMessage got it in 2022, and WhatsApp in 2023 (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and is banned). In the last two cases, the user is given a limited amount of time to edit the message: in WhatsApp (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and banned) it is 15 minutes after sending, in iMessage – 2 minutes.

How much the number of users of the banned social network has decreased – find out in the Kommersant FM article “Russians are unfollowing Instagram”.

Evgeniy Fedunenko


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