In the Kursk region, next to the FAPs and post offices, they will dig shelters

In the Kursk region, next to the FAPs and post offices, they will dig shelters


The head of the Regional Security Committee of the Kursk Region, Mikhail Gorbunov, instructed to prepare shelters near medical and obstetric stations, bank and post offices.

“As for rural areas where there are first aid stations, post offices, banks and shops without basements, shelters should be equipped there— addressed Mr. Gorbunov to district officials at a meeting in the regional administration. – An elementary shelter is a dug trench. Furnish them. We will take photos of samples and send them. This is easy to do: put pallets on the bottom, dig out, equip the walls, cover with bags so that people can take cover. Because FAPs are light structures, they will be sewn through with fragments, you can’t hide in them. ”

In the Kursk region, in connection with the increased shelling of border areas by Ukraine, an audit of all bomb shelters and places for shelter was carried out. Officials demand to intensify work on their arrangement: shelters must be provided with water, lighting and first-aid kits. Also in the region began to build reinforced lines of defense: two were built before the end of last week, another one will be built in two weeks.

Read about how security measures are being strengthened in the Belgorod and Kursk regions in the material “Kommersant” “Officers responded to shelling”.

Sergei Tolmachev, Voronezh


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