In Moscow, at the Troekurovsky cemetery, the opening of a monument to Boris Moiseev took place: the director fulfilled his duty

In Moscow, at the Troekurovsky cemetery, the opening of a monument to Boris Moiseev took place: the director fulfilled his duty


Today, September 27, exactly a year has passed since the passing of Boris Moiseev, who died of a stroke. On this day, a monument was unveiled at the artist’s grave at the Troekurovsky cemetery. The author of the sculpture, made of bronze, was Philip Trushin, who had already created similar works. For example, a memorial plaque to Vladimir Shainsky.

The monument was erected at the expense of the personal funds of director Boris Moiseev, who admitted to MK that he considered it “his duty.”

The sculpture is based on a still frame from the dance number “The Pain of Separation”. “This was Boris Mikhailovich’s favorite number,” explained its director Sergei Gorokh.

It is also known that Moiseev’s brother, who lives in Canada, refused to come to the opening ceremony.


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