In Belgorod, scheduled appointments in clinics have been stopped due to the missile threat

In Belgorod, scheduled appointments in clinics have been stopped due to the missile threat


Until the missile threat is lifted, scheduled appointments with patients in clinics have been suspended. As the Minister of Health of the Belgorod Region Andrei Ikonnikov said with his Telegram channelemergency and urgent care will continue to be provided in full in specialized institutions.

If the patient has an appointment today, it must be rescheduled by calling 122, through electronic services or by contacting the management of the medical organization online. If the appointment has already been cancelled, the patient will be contacted by the clinic and the appointment will be rescheduled. Mr. Ikonnikov emphasized that the decision was made to save people’s lives.

Belgorod today, March 12, was attacked several drones. One of them crashed into commercial premisesthe second – into the building city ​​administration. At City Hall because of the attack suffered two people.

What happens after Russian troops enter Ukraine? online broadcasts “Ъ”.

Sergey Tolmachev, Voronezh


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