Illegal migrants may be banned from driving and obtaining licenses

Illegal migrants may be banned from driving and obtaining licenses


The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to introduce a regime of controlled stay for illegal migrants, which will be accompanied by prohibitions and restrictions.

According to the bill, such persons will not be able to obtain driver’s licenses, drive cars, transfer money, etc. Controlled stay is a legal regime that will apply to foreign citizens who are in Russia without legal grounds or who have provided deliberately false information or documents during migration registration. Under this regime, controlled persons will be prohibited from registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, purchasing or selling real estate and vehicles, as well as submitting real estate to the state cadastral register.

They may also be limited in their right to drive cars, denied access to driving tests and a replacement driver’s license. In addition, controlled persons may be refused to open bank accounts, transfer money, or enter into marriage.


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