Human rights defenders have risen in a psychic attack // Services for the protection of the rights of patients in psychiatric hospitals and residents of boarding schools will be created in pilot regions

Human rights defenders have risen in a psychic attack // Services for the protection of the rights of patients in psychiatric hospitals and residents of boarding schools will be created in pilot regions


The head of the Palliative Care Center and the founder of the Vera Hospice Fund, Nyuta Federmesser, initiated the creation in regions “where governors care”, services for protecting the rights of patients in psychiatric hospitals and wards of neuropsychiatric boarding schools (PNI). The pilot project, she said, was supported by representatives of the State Duma, the Federation Council, and human rights commissioners. Amendments to the law “On Psychiatric Care” have recently come into force, abolishing the direct requirement for the regions to create such services, but the “struggle for the rights” of patients and institutions under care will continue, Ms. Federmesser said.


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