how Vladimir Putin answered questions in his address to the nation

how Vladimir Putin answered questions in his address to the nation


On June 26, the President of Russia made an appeal in which, the special correspondent of Kommersant draws attention Andrey Kolesnikov, summed up the results of the armed rebellion and drew conclusions that, by all indications, should have been fateful.

In the morning something, as they say, was in the air.

The rumors were one larger than the other. The most banal – Sergei Shoigu (Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.— “b”) leaves, and Alexey Dyumin (governor of the Tula region.— “b”). It already looked like a common place. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about it all, and they were waiting for other, more stunning news.

On behalf of the journalists of a certain presidential pool (with the onset of the pandemic, such a concept is unlikely to have the right to exist, the format has somehow become obsolete and has not yet returned to life), information was disseminated that the appeal was being prepared all day and that everyone will have to make sure of this and not much will seem to no one.

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov exacerbated the situation when he said that the president’s statements “without exaggeration, will determine the fate of Russia.”

Another rumor (it became known when it turned out that President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko would speak in Minsk at the same time as Vladimir Putin) was that, more than ever, Belarus and Russia would merge, to the point of complete exhaustion and absorption. And, of course, the question arose, what is the point of isolating or releasing (as you like) Yevgeny Prigozhin to Belarus, and then uniting them into a real state? There was also an answer: so that Mr. Prigozhin’s life would not seem like honey in Belarus. It was necessary to somehow fulfill the promise not to touch the person and at the same time not forgive the betrayal.

The rumors were, in short, one greater than the other. And most importantly, all believable, no matter how absurd they may be. For all the last days have confirmed that the more absurd the assumption, the more chances it has to come true immediately.

At 22:10 the country froze at the TV screens (they finally needed many). And what?

– Dear friends! – said Vladimir Putin, and even that already seemed to mean something (perhaps he has become closer to the people, and we are now real for him, and not imaginary friends who have not yet betrayed him, by the way.— A.K.).—Today I once again appeal to all citizens of Russia! Thank you for your endurance, unity and patriotism. This civic solidarity has shown that any blackmail, any attempt to create internal turmoil is doomed to failure.

It was a lyric, but it was necessary for the introduction. The main thing is that the president has already moved on to fatefulness. Of the apocalyptic fatefulness of the last days, everyone, of course, is already tired, but it would be better soon.

Who knew, I will say right away that the entire appeal will consist of an introduction.

“I repeat,” Vladimir Putin said, “the highest consolidation of society, executive and legislative power at all levels was shown. A firm, unambiguous position in support of the constitutional order was taken by public organizations, religious denominations, leading political parties, in fact, the entire Russian society. Everyone was united and rallied by the main thing – responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland.

The President spoke, if anyone did not understand, about the triumph of the people’s will, but including his own.

“I emphasize,” he told about what he thought and felt, and most importantly, he did, “from the very beginning of the events, all the necessary decisions were immediately taken to neutralize the threat that had arisen, to protect the constitutional order, the life and safety of our citizens.

Yes, these actions were not conspicuous, but should they have been? Let everyone have a feeling of complete impunity for the rebels who capture the cities – the main thing is that in reality everything was completely different.

“In any case, an armed rebellion would have been suppressed,” Vladimir Putin once again encouraged. “Despite the loss of adequacy, the organizers of the rebellion could not but understand this. They all understood! Including those who went to criminal acts, to split and weaken the country, which is now confronting a colossal external threat, unprecedented pressure from outside. When at the front with the words “not a step back!” our comrades are dying. However, the organizers of the rebellion, betraying their country, their people, betrayed those who were drawn into the crime. They lied to them, pushed them to death, under fire, to shoot at their own.

Vladimir Putin did everything in his address to distance the Wagner fighters from their leadership. The soldiers were lied to and pushed to their deaths.

Moreover, the Russian president put the Wagner commanders (we don’t know the specific names of the criminals yet, but most likely it will be more than one name) on the same board with those against whom they fought:

— It was precisely this outcome — fratricide — that the enemies of Russia wanted: both the neo-Nazis in Kyiv, and their Western patrons, and all sorts of national traitors. They wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other, to kill military personnel and civilians, so that in the end Russia would lose, and our society would split, choke in bloody civil strife! They rubbed their hands, dreaming of taking revenge for their failures at the front and during the so-called counteroffensive, but they miscalculated.

Yes, Vladimir Putin’s feelings in this story turned out to be much deeper than one could even imagine.

– I thank all our military personnel, law enforcement officers, special services who stood in the way of the rebels, remained faithful to their duty, oath and their people. Courage, self-sacrifice of the fallen heroes-pilots (first of all, according to Kommersant, who, however, do not hide the regional social networks – Ivanovo hero-pilots.— A.K.) saved Russia from tragic devastating consequences.

“At the same time,” the president continued, “we knew and we know that the overwhelming majority of the fighters and commanders of the Wagner group are also Russian patriots, devoted to their people and state!” They proved it with their courage on the battlefield, liberating the Donbass and Novorossiya. They tried to use them in the dark against their brothers in arms, with whom they fought together for the sake of the country and its future. Therefore, from the very beginning of the events, on my direct instructions, steps were taken to avoid a lot of bloodshed. This took time, including to give those who made a mistake a chance to think again, to understand that their actions are resolutely rejected by society and what tragic, devastating consequences for Russia, for our state, the adventure in which they were dragged leads.

Vladimir Putin has already spoken several times about those who were drugged by the Wagner top management, and it was time to move on to fatefulness.

“I thank those soldiers and commanders of the Wagner group who made the only right decision – they did not go to fratricidal bloodshed, they stopped at the last line,” the president said again.

That is, in this he did not see the merit of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

“Today you have the opportunity to continue serving Russia by signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense or other law enforcement agencies, or to return to your family and friends,” the president made it clear that he did not want to lose such fighters. “Whoever wants can go to Belarus ( sounds like “go to the forests”, and this is in Belarusian, of course, in partisan.— A.K.). The promise I made will be fulfilled. I repeat, the choice is yours, but I am sure it will be the choice of Russian soldiers who have realized their tragic mistake.

Once again, he thus invited them to continue their service. And, perhaps, under the leadership of Dmitry Utkin, who, perhaps, just needs to realize the tragic mistake.

“I am grateful to the President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko for his efforts and contribution to the peaceful resolution of the situation,” Mr. Putin did not deny, but immediately made a reservation about his diplomatic contribution:

– But I repeat, it was the patriotic mood of the citizens, the consolidation of the entire Russian society that played a decisive role these days. This support allowed us to overcome the most difficult trials for our Motherland together.

Vladimir Putin still did not want to be indebted to Alexander Lukashenko for all of Russia.

This is where it all suddenly ended. This was the appeal.

It soon turned out that Dmitry Peskov, in fact, did not say anything about fatefulness.

But after all, by the way, the truth did not seem enough. Let’s not hide: people even on Patriarch’s Ponds, directly on Malaya Bronnaya Street, after this appeal, hugged, and possibly even kissed (Vladimir Putin’s address was broadcast in almost every bar).

And it was so for one reason only.

The reason for this lies precisely in the fact that this time the president’s address did not become fatal.

It worked out.

Andrey Kolesnikov


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