How to live with it: a psychiatrist gave advice to victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus

How to live with it: a psychiatrist gave advice to victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus


“A person cannot be left alone with his problems”

The Crocus tragedy affected many people in one way or another – both those who found themselves in the concert hall and those whose relatives and friends died or were injured. MK asked experienced psychotherapist Evgeny Fomin to give these people advice on how to maintain mental health, survive stress and cope with its consequences.

“First of all,” says the expert, “it is necessary to determine the degree of a person’s psychological disorder.” There are three methods for treating PTSD. The first is independent work on oneself, without turning to a specialist, but only if the psyche is stable. You need to pay attention to the emotional background, it must be stable.

The second method is to contact a psychologist and social funds for consultation. The third method is to work with a psychotherapist to prescribe psychotropic therapy. People are often afraid of this option, afraid of the consequences of using drugs. But you need to understand that all medications prescribed by a doctor are balanced, and when used correctly, they speed up the process of restoring a person’s psychological health.

Ideally, add work with a psychologist. It will become easier emotionally. The psychological tone decreases, the person speaks out. At the moment of conversation, a person experiences all stages of what happened. There is a golden rule: grief must be lived through!

– Evgeniy Vladimirovich, what are the symptoms of a person whose psyche was damaged during a terrorist attack? How does the person feel?

– A person constantly feels unsafe, helpless, experiences apathy, indifference. We psychiatrists often hear the phrases: “What should I do?”; “No matter what I do, it’s useless.” This is a way of interpreting events.

– What should people do who have lost loved ones? And how long does it take for a person’s psyche to recover after something like this?

– The methods are similar. First of all, contact a specialist. You can’t isolate yourself. The painful condition may drag on.

– How long does it take to recover?

– Everything is individual. If we take the average statistical dynamics of recovery, then from six months to a year. At first, the victim displays highly emotional behavior. It is important to have contact with a professional to ease your worries. Socialization is a key method of recovery. A person should not be allowed to be left alone with his problems. It’s difficult to overcome everything alone. The support of friends and relatives is important.

And further. Don’t hesitate to contact a specialist. This is not a sign of weakness, it is a step towards a strong and healthy tomorrow.

A psychologist told how they will help victims of the terrorist attack at Crocus: video

Watch the video on the topic


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