Half of Russians regularly donate to charity: amount announced

Half of Russians regularly donate to charity: amount announced


Animals are helped more readily than people

Charity has become a new ethical norm in the 21st century, but not everyone is ready to follow it. Only half of Russians regularly help others, and they are more willing to donate to help animals than people – this is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by analysts of one of the payment systems.

More than half of Russians surveyed in February 2024 (52%) regularly transfer money to charitable foundations or otherwise help others. Another 38% of respondents said that they provide assistance only sometimes, and 8% never. The remaining 2% of respondents help only their friends and acquaintances.

At the same time, 60% of respondents admitted that they regularly help animals – more often than people. A quarter of respondents (25%) transfer money to help children, and about the same number help disabled people, sick children and orphans.

In modern realities, assistance does not have to be material – you can not only transfer money. A common option is to give things to charity (41% of respondents do this) and buy food for those in need (35%). If a person is only willing to sacrifice his own time and effort, he can work as a volunteer—9% do so. Another 14% of Russians help those in need in other ways, for example, donating blood, buying medicine, carrying bags for the elderly, holding free cultural events, and helping with repairs. People feed and walk animals, give gifts to orphans, and help people find work.

More than a third of Russians (35%) are ready to help as soon as they are asked, 23% help others once a month, and 18% – once every few months. Another 10% provide assistance to those in need every week, 6% every day. And 8% of respondents said that they do not yet have the opportunity to help someone regularly, but they would like to do so.

The amounts of monetary donations are usually small: the majority (31%) of respondents transfer up to 500 rubles a month to charitable foundations, and 20% of respondents – 1000-1500 rubles.


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