“Haggi-Waggi and other ghouls”: costumes of foreign heroes began to be banned in kindergartens

“Haggi-Waggi and other ghouls”: costumes of foreign heroes began to be banned in kindergartens


In a number of Russian kindergartens, children were forbidden to come to New Year’s parties dressed as foreign fairy-tale characters. Only purebred Russian bunnies, bears, koloboks and so on are allowed. It turns out that girls are not allowed to dress up as Cinderella and Snow White, and boys are not allowed to dress up as Supermen, Musketeers and – God forbid! – Spidermen, who, by the way, were not seen in bad deeds, and even worthy of imitation.

“We were told in the garden that on New Year’s Eve you can dress up only in domestic characters, and all sorts of Huggy-Waggie and similar foreign characters are prohibited. You can have bunnies, bears, etc., ”said the parents of Chita preschoolers. The first deputy chairman of the Chita Education Committee, Marina Sekerzhitskaya, commenting on this news, said that there was no direct ban, but stressed that “at the level of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory, a concept was developed for holding New Year’s festive events – “Together V New Year”. The authors of this concept propose to return to the origins of Russian culture and ethnic groups, as well as rely on heroic images.

In other words, unspoken restrictions from above and an indication of a “return to the origins of Russian ethnic groups” for educational institutions in Chita still exist, and, of course, no one will violate them.

As MK found out, Chita is not alone in its dubious prohibitions.

– Our head of the kindergarten said that she would not tolerate any Supermen and Batmans at the New Year’s holiday, and would accept only heroes of Russian fairy tales! – said a parent from another Russian region. – My six-year-old daughter is a fan of the Disney Little Mermaid, and wanted to be only one for the New Year. As a result, in advance, so that my daughter would not be “wrapped up” at the holiday, I agreed with the manager that she would be the Goldfish from Pushkin’s fairy tale! The Mermaid outfit, I think, will quite pass for Rybka …

– We bought a child for a matinee at his request a Spider-Man costume, this is his favorite character, but the teacher stunned us: there should not be any “alien heroes”! another mother lamented. – She recommended dressing up as Ivan Tsarevich. And what, she tells us, buy a bow and arrows for this costume for a child, and he will be happy!

Parents who have not heard about such restrictions (or are still far from the New Year and not everyone knows about the plans of the kindergarten administration) are perplexed: “Seriously, have you come to this? It turns out that then you can’t have Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White, Cipollino and the Snow Queen ?!

“Thank God, we don’t have this, and I hope we won’t,” Alina, mother of six children from the Leningrad Region, shared with MK. – Despite the fact that we didn’t and don’t have anyone in the garden, except for bunnies, bears, snowflakes, snowmen and squirrels, I’m sure that you shouldn’t be like the narrow-minded heads of children’s institutions and politicize absolutely everything. Then let’s dress only in Ivanovo chintz, wear bast shoes and felt boots, etc.! Let’s stay relevant. Yes, I agree, we need to preserve our history, tell our children about it, but not in the same way!

“This is not the first time in the last two weeks that I have come across such things, it has already become a craze – some kind of perverted concept of patriotism,” commented the head of the National Parents’ Committee, a member of the Public Council for Children’s Rights under the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation, Yuri Obolonsky, to MK. . “Unfortunately, an unhealthy psychological state of society is gradually brewing in our country. Among some leaders, this also slips. We, the parent committee, for example, have long been struggling with such a misfortune as LGBT propaganda, in particular, so that dubious toys that are in the West and stage images related to this topic are not distributed among our children. But there are obvious things, and there are absolute excesses on the ground.

I urge parents not to be shy, use parental committees, and speak out on this subject so that there are no such precedents. Because, in my opinion, this is already a negative scenario for the development of our cultural codes. To close the country with an iron fence, a curtain from the whole world, I think, is absolutely useless.

However, some of the parents supported this ban: “I think this decision is very correct,” shared Tatyana from Nizhny Novgorod. – I come from the USSR, and I only had Russian character toys. Now my children play not only the characters of Russian folk tales, but here is Huggy-Waggi (a monster from a horror computer game that is very popular with children – Auth.) and other similar ghouls we don’t have at home: I absolutely don’t accept!

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 28922 dated November 30, 2022

Newspaper headline:
Snow White is banned


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