German Chancellor Scholz was invited to a brothel to solve prostitution problems

German Chancellor Scholz was invited to a brothel to solve prostitution problems


The German Chancellor has been officially invited to a Berlin brothel to find ways to solve problems in the field of prostitution. This proposal was made to the politician by the German Sex Workers Union (BesD).

Earlier, the Prime Minister of Germany, during a debate in the Bundestag, said that he was always outraged by the possibility of selling women’s bodies to men. In his opinion, the purchase of sex cannot be called a normal phenomenon, and prostitution must be curtailed as much as possible. At the same time, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs previously opposed the tightening of the law on prostitution, which would partially decriminalize it.

The German Sex Workers’ Union said it shared Scholz’s stance against sexual violence, exploitation and human trafficking, but said its members provide essential and valuable services. They also emphasized that they cordially invite you to a discussion and tour of the “house of tolerance” in Berlin.

The debate in the Bundestag on prostitution was provoked by a proposal from deputies of the opposition Christian Social and Christian Democratic Unions to treat the purchase of sexual services based on the Scandinavian model. It involves punishing pimps, closing brothels and at the same time protecting and decriminalizing prostitutes for their further return to ordinary life and changing their profession.

The German Sex Workers Union believes that the problem is being discussed by politicians with too few approaches and too much moralizing and, most importantly, without those to whom the proposals apply. And this is a big mistake.


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