February 5 – the tit cries to the frost

February 5 - the tit cries to the frost


February 5 in the folk calendar – Agafy Polukhlebnik. This day is traditionally devoted to household chores. They continued to count supplies, put things in order, and repaired broken things.

Tit, winter, and food, Photo from mos.ru

It was customary to bake a chicken pie on this day. Each member of the family had to eat at least a piece – then, according to signs, the year will pass in peace and harmony, and there will be prosperity in the house. This pie had to be eaten on the same day. As a last resort, feed the leftovers to livestock.

The one who found the money that day could take it for himself only in case of extreme need. It was believed that if a person with a normal income appropriates someone else’s property, he will be haunted by failures in business and may even have to go into debt.

In addition, according to popular beliefs, failures await those who on this day refuse the needy or ask for help. But those who will do good deeds will find happiness and good luck.

Folk signs on February 5 are as follows:

– if a tit cries in the morning – to frost;

– if squirrels descend to the ground – to a thaw;

– if the water in the river rises – frost;

– if a blizzard sweeps – bad weather will last a few more days.

Dreams that are dreamed on the night of February 6 cannot be told to anyone, otherwise bad events from dreams will become a reality, and good ones will not come true.

Alena Bodrienko.

Photo from the site mos.en


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