Election analyst Shpilkin was searched in Moscow

Election analyst Shpilkin was searched in Moscow


In Moscow, on the morning of October 5, law enforcement officers came with a search to the researcher of election statistics, physicist Sergei Shpilkin. He himself is abroad.

Mr. Shpilkin told the OVD-Info project (recognized as an NGO-foreign agent) that his wife Olga Artamonova was in the apartment. According to him, the employees “broke down the door of the apartment.” No contact with wife.

The reason for the search is still unknown.

“The Russian scientist, researcher of election statistics Sergei Shpilkin at home in Moscow searched. He is abroad, informed in Telegram journalist Alexander Plushev.

Sergei Shpilkin is a graduate of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, worked at the Research Center for the Study of Surface and Vacuum Properties, Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2007, he has published analyzes of election results.


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