Edge browser can intercept recently opened tabs from Chrome – Kommersant

Edge browser can intercept recently opened tabs from Chrome – Kommersant


The American corporation Microsoft released an update to Windows 11, after which users began report about the Edge browser intercepting the most recently opened tabs from Google Chrome. The problem occurs even when users have not consented to import data from Chrome or to use the default Edge browser.

After updating their PC and rebooting their computer, some users running Edge were seeing the same set of tabs open as they were the last time Chrome was closed. That is, Edge intercepted data from Chrome in the background without any user action.

Perhaps the reason for the problem is Edge’s advantage over other browsers; it may also be that Microsoft is once again trying to attract users to its products – the company has previously complicated the process of choosing a default browser, and Edge dissuaded users install Google Chrome. Microsoft has not yet released an official comment.

Why the reports of Microsoft, Alphabet and AMD disappointed investors – in the material “Kommersant” “We expected more from AI”.

Evgeniy Fedunenko


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