Dyumin congratulated the Tulitsa volleyball players on their victory over Dynamo

Dyumin congratulated the Tulitsa volleyball players on their victory over Dynamo


Tula volleyball players, who beat the southerners away in the first meeting of the year, were congratulated by the head of the region.

Alexey Dyumin, after a difficult victory in five games of Tulitsa over Dynamo Krasnodar in the fourteenth round of the Russian women’s championship, thanked the athletes and mentors

“Our girls demonstrated a fighting spirit and a real will to win. Let this success inspire the athletes to new achievements.”

Next Monday, Tula will play at home against Krasnoyarsk “Yenisei”.

“MK in Tula” wrote: in the last game of 2023, our athletes played in three games at the Tula Arena outplayed girls from the Atom-Kursk team. The Tula Governor then stated that this victory would give strength to the Tula people in the New Year.


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