Deputy Delyagin called the birth of a child a “ticket to poverty”

Deputy Delyagin called the birth of a child a “ticket to poverty”


Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Mikhail Delyagin on the air of a radio station “Moscow speaks” said that for most Russians, having a child is a “ticket to poverty.”

The demographic situation in our country, in his opinion, suffers due to the poverty of the population and people’s lack of meaning in life. Also, according to the parliamentarian, the birth rate is negatively affected by the optimization of healthcare.

“What is the real problem of demographics? First, absolute poverty,” he said. “For the vast majority of Russian citizens, a child is a one-way ticket to poverty,” says Delyagin. “A second child is a one-way ticket to poverty.”

He called the current situation in the healthcare sector a disaster in the context of “optimizing healthcare and turning it into a healthcare burial.” In addition, as doctors told Delyagin, “30% of women of childbearing age cannot give birth for medical reasons.” But at the political level, he believes, “no one is interested in this.” The state has nothing to offer Russians “except for the Shaman’s song,” the deputy added.


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