Deputy Chaplin explained what special rights Russian pensioners have

Deputy Chaplin explained what special rights Russian pensioners have


Deputy Chaplin: pensioners can claim an inheritance even if there is no indication in the will

Member of the Budget and Tax Committee Nikita Chaplin told the publication “Russian newspaper“What special rights do Russian pensioners have?

According to him, pensioners and even pre-retirees can claim a mandatory share in the inheritance, even if their name is not included in the will. Regardless of this document, people aged 55 and 60 years can receive a share of real estate, business or money in the event of the death of their relative.

Chaplin also spoke about the insurance pension, which is indexed annually based on the fixed part. So, in 2024 it amounted to just over 8 thousand rubles. When a person reaches 80 years of age, the fixed portion doubles. At the same time, Chaplin pointed out an important detail: if the pensioner returns to work, the annual indexation will be temporarily suspended. But upon dismissal, the pension will increase taking into account the missed indexations.

Chaplin clarified that self-employed pensioners also have the right to indexation. However, provided that it will only take place if the citizen has not signed a voluntary pension insurance agreement with the Social Fund of Russia and does not make monthly contributions.

The parliamentarian also recalled additional payments to pensioners. If the pension does not exceed the subsistence level, then citizens are entitled to a social supplement. There are also benefits for pensioners, which include exemption from property tax on one property of each type, as well as the opportunity to return personal income tax for the previous three years when purchasing housing after retirement.


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