Deputies proposed to punish participation in any undesirable foreign organizations
A group of deputies introduced bills to the State Duma on liability, including criminal liability, for participation in the activities of any undesirable foreign organizations. This was announced by one of the authors of the initiative, the head of the commission to investigate facts of foreign interference, Vasily Piskarev. Amendments are being made to the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code.
Currently, according to the law, only the activities of non-governmental organizations can be considered undesirable in the Russian Federation. As part of the new projects, it is proposed to exclude from Art. 20.33 Code of Administrative Offenses and Art. 284.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the word “non-governmental”. As a result, citizens may face a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles for participating in the activities of any undesirable organization. or imprisonment for up to four years. Organizing activities is punishable by up to six years in prison.
Mr. Piskarev claims that the draft laws received positive feedback from the government, and the amendments to the Criminal Code were supported by the Supreme Court. “The proposed package of bills does not affect international intergovernmental organizations of which Russia is a member,” the deputy wrote in Telegram.
In February to the State Duma contributed a project on the possibility of recognizing as undesirable organizations with the participation of foreign government agencies. Vasily Piskarev said that the authorities “do not care at all who has established an organization abroad that spoils our country and works to destroy Russia.”
Read more about the draft law in the Kommersant article. “There will be more undesirable organizations”.