Categories of fitness for military service in Russia

Categories of fitness for military service in Russia


The readiness of a conscript for military service is determined by a medical commission, which includes a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist, a neurologist, a surgeon and a psychiatrist. After passing the medical examination, the conscript is assigned a category of fitness in a military ID. What you need to know about these categories – in the material “Kommersant”.

What are the eligibility categories?

A – healthy, can serve in any army.

B – has minor health problems, fit with restrictions (according to the type of troops).

B – has serious health problems, is subject to conscription only in wartime.

G – temporarily not subject to conscription for health reasons, receives a deferral of 6 or 12 months.

D – the state of health does not allow to serve.

Category A

Category A conscripts do not have significant health problems, are fit for military service, and are eligible for conscription.

When distributed, they can be enrolled in special forces: the Airborne Forces, the Navy, artillery, engineering and border troops, the troops of the National Guard, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, guard units. In many ways, the place of service depends on the number that follows the letter A. In professional slang, it is called the destination indicator.

Category A is received not only by completely healthy young people, but also by those with mild diagnoses, for example, multiple complicated caries, small benign skin lesions or slight excess body weight. A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Category B

Conscripts with category B do not have significant health problems, are subject to conscription, but cannot serve in all units and troops.

Often categories B1, B2, B3, B4 are given to young men with mild asthenia, slight euthyroid goiter, slight obesity, cured neurosis and mild mental disorders that developed as a result of a closed craniocerebral injury, with a single epileptic seizure, and with other minor problems. A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Such a conscript may end up in the communications troops, anti-aircraft missile unit, engineering troops, part of the Navy units, etc.

Category B

A conscript with category B has significant health problems and is exempt from conscription. At the same time, he can be called up for military training or for military service.

Category B is for conscripts with active tuberculosis, refractory bowel disease, certain types of syphilis, slowly progressive blood disorders, personality disorders with unstable compensation, and other serious problems. A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Category G

A conscript with category G is recognized as temporarily unfit for military service. Most often, the delay is valid for a period of 6 to 12 months – this time is necessary for the treatment of viral diseases or the healing of fractures.

After the cure, the military medical commission issues a new conclusion: if yesterday’s patient receives category A or B, he will go to the troops.

Often category G is obtained due to exacerbations of intestinal and skin diseases, primary syphilis, injuries and fractures, infections of the eyes and respiratory organs, operations to remove benign neoplasms, etc. A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Category D

A category D conscript is not fit for military service and will not be able to get into the army even as a volunteer.

Category D can be assigned to a conscript with one kidney, with epileptic seizures at least five times a year, an open form of tuberculosis, leprosy, HIV, oncological diseases with metastases, schizophrenia, mental retardation and persistent mental disorders, severe consequences after strokes. A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Eligibility categories for mobilization

During mobilization, the lists of diseases differ from those adopted for conscripts. Since in wartime the category of fitness depends not only on the severity of the condition, but also on the rank.

A complete list can be found in resolution government on military medical expertise.

Ignat Vorontsov


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